New kindergarten to be erected in Saiti village

A new kindergarten should be built in Saiti village of Causeni district as the walls that remained after the building burned cannot be repaired and will be demolished, Minister of Regional Development and Construction Marcel Raducan said, making reference to experts who assessed the damage caused by the fire, IPN reports.

As the kindergarten was attended by 120 children, Prime Minister Iurie Leanca asked Marcel Raducan to propose a design of kindergarten similar to those managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction. The kindergarten will be extended to 150 places.

“I went to the scene to see what happened. The parents were waiting for prompt action. We must find possibilities to start the construction works in at most 2-3 weeks so that the roof is built by this yearend,” said the Premier.

The construction works were assessed at 3 million lei. The money will be allocated from the Government’s reserve fund. The kindergarten in Saiti was destroyed in a fire caused by a short circuit last week.

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