New elections in Boldresti commune, Nisporeni

The Central Electoral Commission has set new local elections in Bolduresti commune, Nisporeni district, after it was found that Mayor Nicanor Ciorchina was unable to exercise his office. The mayor is under criminal investigation for the fatal accident of a teenager, IPN reports.

CEC Secretary Dana Munteanu said that the Ungheni Territorial Office of the State Chancellery of February 20 notified the commission that Nicanor Ciorchina was unable to hold the office of mayor for more than five consecutive months from May 31, 2024 to February 14, 2025.

The legal provisions stipulate that the mayor's term of office is terminated prematurely in case of inability to hold office for more than five months in a row, including for reasons of illness, a circumstance established by the territorial office of the State Chancellery, which the Electoral Commission was also notified of.

The accident in Bolduresti occurred in February 2024. The Prosecutor's Office for Combating Organized Crime and Special Cases stated that that evening, the accused driver did not adapt his speed to the road conditions, including driving on the opposite lane, exiting on the left shoulder of the road, where he hit from behind the 14-year-old teenager, who was moving in a regular way. However, after hitting the teenager, the driver continued on his way without giving him assistance. Moreover, he allegedly called a friend from the Nisporeni district to help him cover up the crime. Although initially placed in prison, the mayor, aged under 50, was subsequently placed under judicial control.

The indictment has been sent to trial, but a sentence has not yet been handed down.

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