New councilors on the CMC

The Central Electoral Commission assigned the councilor seats on the Chișinău Municipal Council to the substitute candidates Silvia Grigorieva, who ran on behalf of the Socialist Party, and Corneliu Pântea, who ran on the National Unity Party lists.

During Friday's session, the CEC announced that it had received the resignation request of councilor Ion Ceban, who was elected on the PSRM list and who won the general mayor of Chișinău seat. Octavian Țîcu, elected on the PUN list, also resigned and said that he would continue his work as MP.

In its ruling, the Commission advised councilors Silvia Grigorieva and Corneliu Pântea on the obligation to comply with the 30-day deadline in order to remove the incompatibility status in the event of its occurrence.

Previously, Silvia Grigorieva held the councilor seat on behalf of the PSRM group in the CMC, while Corneliu Pântea was a councilor in the Liberal Party group.

Chișinău Municipal Council has 51 councilor seats. Four groups were constituted in the new composition of Chișinău Municipal Council - the Socialist Party group, the Action and Solidarity Party group, the ACUM group, the DA Platform and the Liberal Party group. Additionally, two Democrats and two Șor Party members are part of the council, while the National Unity Party, the "Forța Nouă" Movement and the Communist Party each have a member serving on the CMC.

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