New appointments at ministries of health and environment

Andrei Uncuta was named deputy minister of health by a Government decision on June 3. Also today, Ion Crudu was appointed as secretary of state at the Ministry of the Environment, IPN reports.

Andrei Uncuta is a Doctor of Sciences. The last post he held is that of director of the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Ion Crudu studied law at a university in Iasi and has a rich work experience, including as a mayor.

In the same meeting, the Government approved a number of draft presidential decrees by which a number of ambassadors are recalled in connection with the expiration of their terms in office. Aureliu Ciocoi is recalled from Germany, Stefan Gorda from the Czech Republic, Iurie Renita from Romania, Oleg Serebrian from France, while Ion Stavila from Ukraine.

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