“Native songs take me all over the world”, a book with memories of Mihai Ciobanu

The life and scientific activity of the folk music singer Mihai Ciobanu are described in the collection “Native songs take me all over the world” that was compiled by journalist Tatiana Slivca. The volume was presented at the National Library on February 28, IPN reports.

Attending the launch, the protagonist said the book relates a truth. Tatiana Slivca managed to rock his soul, reminding him of childhood, youth, brothers, sisters and parents. The book contains the opinions of his guild colleagues, impressions from concerts and a photo album with friends and dear people. “This is an accomplishment at my age and this makes me happy. Through this book, I transmit my love for the people,” stated the singer.

Author Tatiana Slivca said the book depicts the master’s life with all his achievements and includes his family tree. The protagonist makes reference to the people who contributed to his development and remembers the pieces of advice that he received and that helped him in life. The title was considered appropriate as it is known that many of the songs he created at home he later disseminates throughout the world.

Secretary of state at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Andrei Chistol said Mihai Ciobanu has made a considerable contribution to the promotion of the people’s songs, to research, documentation and involvement of the young generation in the world of folk music. This contribution should be promoted so that as many people as possible know about it.

The singer’s wife Valentina Ciobanu said Mihai Ciobanu had headed for this launch for many years. A person who is 20 cannot have many recollections as these accumulate in time. “Mihai is very disciplined and takes notes on his every trip and at each performance and I think it was easy for him to put those memories down,” she stated.

Mihai Ciobanu was born in Bujor village of Hâncești district on February 20, 1953. He studied folk music and conducted choirs at the Ștefan Neaga College of Music and at the Gavriil Muzicescu State Institute of Arts. He worked as part of the folk music orchestras Mugurel, Folclor, Lăutarii, and that of Advahov Brothers. Mihai Ciobanu is a Master of Arts, a People’s Artist, a Knight of the Order of the Republic, a citizen of honor of Hâncești town. He holds the medals Civic Merit and Labor Glory. He recorded over 300 songs, with the song “Parents’ house cannot be sold” being the most popular one.

  • mihai ciobanu despre carte.mp3
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