The Tourism Agency has launched the national brand of the tourism sector. The logo is the “Life Tree” – a tree with a number of branches that incorporate the basil, elements from the national costumes and a rose. The slogan “Discover the routes of life” accompanies it, IPN reports.
Director of the Tourism Agency Nicolae Platon expects that the number of foreign tourists will increase with the launch of the brand, as the internal tourism will do.
Attending the event, U.S. Ambassador to Moldova William H. Moser said the tourism industry of Moldova goes trough a renaissance period and it is essential to keep pace with the innovations and to follow the world trends in the tourism sector, preserving simultaneously the local culture.
“I’m sure that each of those who will visit Moldova will live a unique experience, discovering the special taste of gastronomy, the wines of a high quality, authentic traditions and, surely, the beauty of rural regions. All these make Moldova special and surprising,” stated the diplomat.
The tourist brand will be presented abroad starting with November 24 through the agency of a communication campaign on Euronews channel, where a promotional video will be broadcast.
Moldova is annually visited by about 2 million foreigners. The brand was launched with the support of the USAID Competitive Enhancement and Enterprise Development Project II (CEED II).