National Psychopedagogical Assistance Center to be reorganized

The National Psychopedagogical Assistance Center will be reorganized so as to ensure quality and efficiently in the field of psychopedagogical assistance. This and the resource centers for inclusive education will be outfitted with the equipment needed to train children with special educational needs. A program to develop inclusive education for the next four years will be approved this year, Minister of Education and Research Anatolie Topală announced in a news conference in which he presented his priorities and perspectives in the field of education, IPN reports.

“The National Psychopedagogical Assistance Center needs to provide all the necessary services, including medical assistance. Together with the Ministry of Health, we will analyze the situation so as to see how to better organize this service - with the presence of doctors in institutions or by offering services at specialized health centers,” stated Anatolie Topală.

The minister said that one of the priorities is to stimulate the young people to take an active part in the social, cultural and economic life. “We will soon have a new youth strategy that envisions the modernization of this sector, diversification of programs for youth organizations. We will further increase the number of well-equipped youth centers able to organize different activities with and for young people. The national program to improve the study of the Romanian language by national minorities, including the adult population, for 2023-2025, which was recently approved, forms part of the same efforts,” stated the minister.

He noted that there was also launched a broad campaign centering on integrity, including collection of illegal payments, in educational institutions. “We will further analyze this process so as to make the voluntary payments to different parent associations or organizations that want to support the schools more transparent,” said Anatolie Topală.
He also said that the Ministry of Education and Research does not tolerance corruption in educational institutions, which should be outside this phenomenon. Therefore, together with the National Anticorruption Center, it worked out a plan for organizing relevant activities in all the districts of the country in the course of this year.

Among the priorities in the field are to increase attractiveness and relevance of studies for the labor market, to improve the educational process through digitization instruments and to strengthen the human resources in the educational system.

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