National Museum of Arts invites to visit the Orient

On the International Museum Day, Moldova’s National Museum of Arts opened an exhibition titled “Mysteries of the Orient”. Besides black-and-white paintings, sculptures and decorative oriental art, the exhibition includes ikebana and origami items, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Japanese pictures are the most numerous at the exhibition, followed by Chinese and Mongolian paintings that have been displayed for the first time. The decorative works of art and the small sculptures made from porcelain, ivory, wood and bronze are a real splendor. “As not every person has the possibility of traveling in space easily and quickly, not speaking about traveling in time, we propose this exhibition that transfers us to the epoch represented by the works and to this absolutely amazing zone,” said Svetlana Pociumban, vide director of the museum. The exhibition includes works by masters from the ukiyo movement, who are recognized as prominent figures in the history of art, and several ikebana items made by the Chisinau Center of Japanese Culture “Ikenobo”. Several origami articles made by children from the “Origami” center were displayed in the hall of the museum. The National Museum of Arts of Moldova owns an impressive collection of oriental art dating from the 18th-19th centuries. It contains over 500 works made by artists from Japan, China, Mongolia and India. The exhibit is part of the activities carried out by the Museum as part of the International Museum Day and the Night of the Museums between May 15 and 18.

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