National Library to promote image of library and librarian

The National Library set the goal of promoting the image of the library as an institution and of the librarian as a member of society in the course of this year. In the opening of the annual bibliological symposium, National Library director Elena Pintilei said 2019 should be the year of adjustment of library activity to the new legal, strategic and regulatory framework, IPN reports.

Elena Pintilei reminded about the new law on libraries that took effect on February 1, 2019. In accordance with this law, the library resources, products and services provided for the users should be diversified. Emphasis should be placed on the development of the skills of librarians and users of libraries.

Secretary of state at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Andrei Chistol said many of the public libraries were modernized in the framework of the Novateca program and time has come for the made investments to be put to good use. The librarian is no longer perceived as the functionary who lends books. This is the person who also offers access to public services and organizes meetings with people from the community.

Vera Osoianu, division head at the National Library, noted that the mayors should realize the fact that the library is a public service and they, as local decision makers, are responsible for the proper organization of the library’s work. With the implementation of the new law on the salary system in the budgetary-funded sector, many employees of libraries were relegated to posts with lower salaries. Among the priorities for 2019 is the amendment of the law so that the librarians are appropriately appreciated for their role in the community.

Vera Osoianu also said that work will be done this year to diversify the services for community members and show that the library didn’t lose its relevance in the Internet era. Moreover, if the Internet lacks now something, this lacks a librarian who knows how to select the information, how to find high-quality information and to add new contents. “The library should be there where there is the user,” stated Vera Osoianu.

As many as 1,334 public libraries worked in Moldova on January 1 this year.

  • vera osoianu despre bibliotecari.mp3
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