National legislation on asylum will be adjusted to communitarian acquis
The national legal framework on asylum will conform to the EU legislation after the Parliament adopts the draft law on asylum in Moldova approved by the Government, Info- Prim Neo reports.
It will lay the basis of a new legal framework needed for the efficient working of the asylum system in Moldova and that will comply with the EU and international norms in the field. The law regulates the legal status of the foreigners that seek protection and the procedure for granting or canceling protection in Moldova
The following protection forms are granted in Moldova: refugee status, humanitarian status, temporary protection, political asylum.
Unlike the present law on the refugee status that was formulated in 2002, the new law specifies the procedure for applying for a form of protection, the terms for examining the applications, the content of persecution and risk, the acts of physical or psychical violence that can be considered persecution and that make a person apply for asylum.
The law also enumerates the agents of persecution and serious risk. These are: the state, the parties or organizations that keep the state or an important part of its territory under control, nongovernmental agencies, if the state or the parties and the organizations that keep an important part of its territory under control, as well the international organizations do not want or are not capable of guaranteeing protection against persecution.
The draft law contains stipulations about the notion of unaccompanied minor and the procedural guarantees for examining the applications in cases that concern unaccompanied minor. It also stipulates the causes for which a person is refused protection.
Minister of Internal Affairs Gheorghe Papuc said that an additional 550,000 lei will be needed to implement the given law. The largest part of this money will go to cover the costs of the refugee centers and to adjust the living conditions of the refugees.