National development strategy “Moldova 2030” approved

The Government approved the national development strategy “Moldova 2030”, which specifies the country’s development direction for the next decade. According to the authorities, the strategy is based on the life cycle of humans, human rights and quality of life and includes four sustainable development pillars with ten corresponding long-term objectives, IPN reports.

The four pillars are: sustainable and inclusive economy, robust human and social capital; honest and efficient institutions, and healthy environment.

The Government’s secretary general Liliana Iaconi said the strategy will be implemented based on the national development plan that includes actions and the financial resources needed to achieve the strategic objectives, in accordance with sector strategies. The national development plan will be worked out for a three-year period in accordance with the priorities situated in the sector strategies that were designed to implement the given strategy.

The strategy adopts the conception used by the EU member states to measure the quality of life in ten dimensions, the improvement of the quality of life being the strategic goal of the document.

The draft law on the national development strategy “Moldova 2030” is to be examined by Parliament.

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