National Day of Romania celebrated in Chisinau

Moldovan citizens and several parties, including the National Liberal Party, celebrated the National Day of Romania on December 1. Young people, organized by the Civic Platform “Actiunea 2012”, formed a huge human chain around the Government Building and set free 95 lampions in the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau, simultaneously with another 95 lampions released in Romania’s Alba Iulia, IPN reports.

The young people asked that the union processes be hastened. On a 30-meter long banner, they wrote “Union generates Power”. “We are glad about the success achieved in Vilnius, but we are even gladder about the Union of December 1. The next years will clearly lead to the integration into Romania. This is the reason for which we danced a round dance around the Government. We want to show we want to be together with Romania,” said the representative of “Actiunea 2012” Irina Gutu.

Before the building of the Embassy of Romania, the unionists sang the anthem “Wake up, Romanian”.
“I hope this will be soon again the national anthem of the people from the two banks of the Prut River,” said Marin Romanciuc, a war veteran aged 85.

This is the first year that the celebrations on the National Day of Romania were held in Chisinau throughout the day, according to a program similar to those of the Romanian towns. The events included laying of flowers, sports competitions, and concerts.

Also on December 1, the team of the Liberal Reforming Party took part in the laying of flower at the monument to Stephan the Great. The leader of the Liberal reformers Ion Hadarca said that that this is a day when the most important pages of history were written, with the involvement of the Bessarabians.

The Liberal Youth staged a cultural event dedicated to the National Day of Romania in the square of the National Opera House.

Moldova’s President Nicolae Timofti took part in the December 1 military parade in the Triumphal Arch Square in Bucharest. It was for the first time that the Moldovan head of state took part in a military festivity on this occasion.

On December 1, 1918, the Great National Assembly of Alba Iulia decided in favor of the union of Transylvania, Banat, Crihana and Maramures with the Romanian Kingdom. The decision was made public by the Resolution of Alba Iulia.

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