The Ministry of Culture’s initiative to institute the National Costume Day was endorsed by the Government. This day will be annually marked on the fourth Sunday of June, IPN reports.
The national costume was worn in time by all the social strata. Even if the Soviet period was marked by attempts to falsify the national costume, this was promoted by writers and other personalities, the authentic image being transmitted from generation to generation, said deputy minister of culture Gheorghe Postica.
“We will think up a special program for the first edition of this holiday,” said the deputy minister, noting that the elements of the national costume hold now special interest for fashion designers. Over the last few years, the national costume was intensely promoted within cultural events.
The authors of the initiative said the national costume represents a symbol of the identity. Even if the traditional costume at the end of the 19th century and in the 20th century was replaced by modern clothing, the national costume was and is used at the great holidays and in the daily life as a distinctive sign.