National afforestation campaign starts on Saturday

The national afforestation campaign starts on Saturday. It will kick off in the village of Geamăna in the Anenii Noi district, where 140 thousand saplings will be planted. The Environment Ministry has already received over a thousand registrations - private and state institutions, volunteers who will start from the Great National Assembly Square, IPN reports.

In a press conference, government spokesman Daniel Voda said that this season the authorities have set an ambitious goal: to plant 8 million saplings. In total there are more than 120 locations available for planting in all districts of the country.

By 2032, the authorities aim to extend and rehabilitate 145,000 hectares of forest. In the first two years of the program, 15 thousand hectares have been planted, which is more than 10% of the target.

"The appeal we have for everyone is to be part of the 'Forest Generation'. Together we are building a greener, more environmentally friendly future for all," said Daniel Voda.

Participants in the planting will start at 8:00 on Saturday from in front of the Government. Those who want to join can register by calling 068644649.

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