National Administration of Penitentiaries vice director under arrest

One of the vice directors of the National Administration of Penitentiaries was arrested on February 15. The information was confirmed for IPN by the spokesman for the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases Emil Gaitur.

“We confirm that the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases is taking a series of active measures in the case concerning the employees of the National Administration of Penitentiaries. We will provide more details later,” stated Emil Gaitur.

National Administration of Penitentiaries vice director Sergey Demchenko was allegedly arrested in the case that features 12 persons who are suspected of committing credit card frauds. According to the police, two of the suspects, who are presumably the organizers, are serving time in jail, while another suspect holds an administrative post in a national penitentiary. The press reported that this is the head of Penitentiary No. 18.

Contacted by IPN, the press service of the National Administration of Penitentiaries didn’t answer the phone.

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