Natalia Gavrilița: We do not leave those without a computer outside digitization process

As from today, the people in Lozova village and in the neighboring villages of Strășeni district will have access to digital government services with the assistance of a trained specialist. “This means we will leave no one outside the digitization process. Even the people without a computer or without a cellphone (connected to the Internet, e.n.) can come to the mayor’s office to benefit from the advantages of digitization of public services,” said Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița, who took part in the inauguration of the first common public services center in Lozova. The event was staged by the public institution Electronic Government Agency.

A number of 28 such centers are to be opened in villages and in Moldova’s consular offices abroad as part of this pilot program in the framework of a project to modernize the public services that is implemented by the Electronic Government Agency with assistance from the World Bank and the Government of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

By the end of 2023, 17 such centers will be opened in Moldova’s village and nine more centers in consular offices abroad. At these centers, the persons will be able to learn what documents they need for a service and to file an online application for a service. They can schedule an appointment to obtain a service or to collect a document and can submit applications to have the pension reexamined, to obtain a copy of the birth, death, marriage and other certificates.

“The Government aims to make sure that the public services have a reduced cost and are easier accessed. We reduced the time needed to obtain public services in an ordinary regime and maximally extended the digital services that can be accessed through the personal computer, cellphone or laptop,” stated Natalia Gavrilița. She reminded that the charges for a number of services provide by the Public Services Agency were decreased in November and voiced hope that more services will be yet made cheaper.

“We decided to come here, to Lozova, because we saw the local public authorities’ full readiness to create such a center and to adopt such a model” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Digital Transformation Iurie Țurcanu. “This is the model we want to implement to ensure better services for good people.”


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