Municipal hospital “Saint Trinity” to receive medical equipment of €10m

The year 2013 will bring a number of changes to the municipal hospital “Saint Trinity”. The extensive repair works at the Reanimatology Section will be completed and there will be brought modern medical equipment. Roman Sofroni, head of the Capital Constructions Division, has told Info-Prim Neo that the repair works started in 2012 and will be finished this year. The repaired area is over 1,000 square meters. The works cost 7 million lei, which was allocated from the municipal budget. Health Division head Luminita Suveica said that within a project of the International Cooperation Agency of the Japanese Government, “Saint Trinity” hospital will receive €10 million in support for purchasing medical equipment. This is for the first time that a medical institution in Chisinau municipality receives such a large sum in financial assistance. Over 20 pieces of modern equipment will be bought with this money. During January 8-16, 2013 a delegation of Moldova has been in Japan to hold negotiations with the Japanese authorities on the signing of an agreement with the Government of Japan, by the end of this May, for obtaining a loan of about €53 million for a project to outfit five hospitals and 11 public health centers of Moldova with modern medical equipment. The concessional loan is repayable in 30 years, with a grace period of 10 years, at an interest rate of 0.1% a year.

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