Municipal authorities reiterate promise to increase Chisinau teachers’ salaries
The teachers working in the municipality of Chisinau will receive salaries by 20% larger as from January 1, 2008, the leader of the Liberal Party’s faction Corina Fusu promised at Thursday’s meting of the Chisinau Municipal Council, while the draft budget was discussed in second reading, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Her words were confirmed by the deputy mayor Mihai Furtuna and by the Finance Division head Maria Caraus. The latter said that the pay raises will be covered from the additional revenues accumulated in the municipal budget for 2007.
The draft municipal budget for 2008 provides for spending of 698.6 million lei for education. This sum covers only about 80% of the real necessities.
According to deputy mayor Mihai Furtuna, the budget expenditure was calculated according to the current norms fixed by the central authorities. No money was planned in the budget for purchasing the furniture and equipment needed to ensure the smooth running of the education establishments.
Earlier, the municipal authorities announced that if teachers’ salaries are raised by 20%, the spending on education will increase by another 57-60 million lei.