MP seeks dismissal of Material Reserves Agency chief

PAS MP Radu Marian made an approach to the Ministry of Home Affairs, asking this to dismiss Gheorghe Tretiacov from the post of head of the Material Reserves Agency. The MP said wheat continues to be released from the strategic grain reserve for being exported, while the National Food Safety Agency that is controlled by the Socialists issues authorizations for the purpose. It happens even if there is an imminent risk of rises in the prices of bread and the Supreme Security Council asked to suspend the export of wheat from the state reserve, IPN reports.

“The Socialists showed again that they work against the citizens. This should not surprise us as the high-ranking posts are held by persons of this party who are in conflict with the law. According to the information I received, Gheorghe Tretiacov, the head of the Material Reserve Agency (which is managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs and which handles the state reserve of wheat) in the past was arrested for considerable swindle. Tretiacov served as the chief of the Criminal Police during the rule of Voronin and was then arrested for a series of wrongdoings,” stated Radu Marian.

The MP noted it is inadmissible for such a strategic and important state post to be held by a person with a dubious reputation.

“We already understood that these actions yield profits of millions to oligarchs who are close to Dodon. We already understood that they name persons in conflict with the law, who are vulnerable to acts of corruption, to high-ranking state posts. We must stop them. We have the occasion to do this on July 11,” stated Radu Marian.

Gheorghe Tretiacov was unavailable for comment, while Minister of Home Affairs Pavel Voicu rejected the phone call

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