MP Gaik Vartanian requests Parliament to revise composition of CEC

According to the report of the OSCE/ODIHR International Election Observation Mission, 6 of the 9 members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) were named by the PAS and one of these was directly appointed by the President. MP Gaik Vartanian, a member of the National Alternative Movement Party, said that this led to biased decisions in favor of the ruling party, both in the 2023 general local elections and in the 2024 presidential election, IPN reports.

In this connection, MP Gaik Vartanean asked Parliament to implement the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations to ensure the independence of the CEC and eliminate the domination of a single party.

At the same time, the parliamentarian asked to revise the composition of the CEC by dismissing two members appointed by the PAS, including the CEC head, and to offer the vacant seats to the parliamentary or extra-parliamentary opposition in order to ensure a balance within the CEC.

Given the CEC's refusal to provide the requested information on the electoral process and possible frauds, MP Gaik Vartanean announced that he will go to court in order to gain access to the given data.

Asked for a reaction, Aurica Jardan, adviser to the Speaker of Parliament, said that she will not comment on these statements.

Representatives of the Central Election Commission have not yet commented on the statements made by MP Gaik Vartanian.

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