Movement of Migrant Women set up in Moldova

More than 60 women with migration experience combined forces and created the Movement of Migrant Women with the aim of more actively becoming involved in the cooperation with the authorities and the country’s development and of promoting their rights, IPN reports.

According to UN Women Moldova, among the priorities identified by the Movement of Migrant Women are the transfer of pensions, recognition of diplomas, and easier integration of children who returned home from abroad into schools in Moldova.

Alisa Zadic had worked in Italy for four years and when she got pregnant she decided to return to Moldova. “If you want and make effort, you can live well here too,” she stated, noting she will become involved in the Movement’s activities. According to her, the Movement of Migrant Women stimulates the women to struggle for their rights.

Movement of Migrant Women president Nicoleta Apostol said she always believed that the women have the power to change the world, especially those who come with experience and knowledge gained abroad. “The women who support each other can cooperate very well,” she stated.

The creation of the Movement of Migrant Women was facilitated within the Promoting and Protecting Women Migrant Workers’ Labor and Human Rights Project that is implemented by UN Women in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family and the Bureau for Diaspora Relations.

“Migration and development are interdependent. The migrants can contribute and contribute to the country’s development. I’m glad that a positive model of migration was successfully promoted through this project and the women who started businesses managed to support the family and community,” said Deputy Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family Anastasia Ocheretnyi.

UN Women Country Representative Ulziisuren Jamsran said the organization she represents will continue the partnerships established within this project and will continue to support migrant women and to promote their rights.

The Promoting and Protecting Women Migrant Workers’ Labor and Human Rights Project is implemented by UN Women and other partners and is financed by the European Union. This was carried out in Mexico, the Philippines and Moldova.

According to statistics, most of the Moldovan migrants are women. They annually contribute over €700,000, which is 10% of the Gross Domestic Product.

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