Mother abandons two small children

A six-month-old baby and a child aged 3 were abandoned by their mother at persons that she knew. Maria Samatailo, coordinating doctor of the Chisinau Emergency Service, has told Info-Prim Neo that the owners of a house located on Criuleni by-street called the police and related that an acquaintance of theirs from Cantemir district left the children with them for a while. But the mother did not return. The youngest child experienced cold-like symptoms. The doctors established that the child suffered from acute viral infection and bronchopneumonia. Three men aged 35, 41 and approximately 55 were found on the street with general hypothermia and taken to the Emergency Hospital. A girl aged 15 and a 36-year-old woman tried to kill themselves by taking pills. Both of them were admitted into the hospital for detox. Yesterday and last night, the Chisinau Emergency Service responded to 809 calls, dealing with 76 cases of acute viral infection, 34 cases of flu, 37 cases of pneumonia, 77 cases of trauma, five strokes, two myocardial infarctions and 20 births.

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