Over 50% of the members of the extraparliamentary party “United Moldova” are likely to join the Democratic Party (PDM). The announcement was made by leaders of a number of the party's local organizations in a news conference on March 15. According to them, more than 4,500 members of United Moldova will join the PDM, Info-Prim Neo reports.
In the conference, an initiative group said such a decision was taken because the party is not ready for this year's local elections and the party's national council is inactive as it held no meeting during over four months.
“We decided to join the Democrat Party of Moldova because its ideology is close to ours and we have many friends there. The PDM is a party of the future that will represent the interests of the whole society,” said Eugen Nichiforciuc, a member of the party's executive political committee.
He showed the reporters a statement signed by the leaders of 22 of the 31 local organizations of United Moldova, whereby they express their wish to join the PDM. A meeting with the administration of the PDM followed the signing of the statement. Eugen Nichiforciuc said that another five local organizations are expected to take the same decision this week.
According to a communique published on the PDM's official website, the party is ready to open talks with representatives of United Moldova over the merger method and conditions.
In the November 28, 2010 legislative elections, the United Moldova Party headed by former Communist lawmaker Vladimir Turcan polled less than 0.5% of the vote and did not enter Parliament.