More persons and companies get general authorization regime
The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) in 2012 applied the general authorization regime for another 83 persons and companies for providing public electronic communication networks and/or services. Thus, the number of those that have the right to work on this market rose to 560 by January 1, 2013, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to a communiqué from the ANRCETI, 45 of the 83 persons and companies only entered the market, while 38 are former holders of licenses that r worked on the market earlier. Almost all those authorized by the Agency are legal entities.
As the previous years, most of the persons and companies – 63 – chose to provide both public electronic communication networks and services. Another 14 decided to furnish only networks, while six only services. The most popular kinds of activity were the provision of audiovisual program retransmission, Internet access and data transmission networks and services.
The general authorization procedure is free, while the right to provide public electronic communication networks and/or services is granted for an indefinite period.