The health system of Moldova is inappropriate, with outdated practices and technologies and with an insufficient number of qualified specialists, say parents who educate children with disabilities. Supported by activists of the Public Association “Moldova Mea”, in a news conference at IPN they urged the authorities to draw attention to the deficiencies existing in the system and asked for assistance in treating their children, IPN reports.
Maria Croitoru from Hancesti related that in 2005, at the age of nine, her daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis. During many years, the family gathered money for surgery and the operation was performed in 2012. The same month, the girl was operated two more times. As a result she became confined to a wheelchair. “Before the operation, my daughter walked and ran,” said the woman, complaining about medical malpractice that she cannot prove. The family called on anyone who can to offer them assistance in improving their girl’s state of health.
Galina Oloi from Cahul raises a daughter aged 12, who also suffers from scoliosis. The girl has this disease since birth. She underwent four expensive operations, but they produced no results.
The head of “Moldova Mea” Association Fiodor Ghelici said that dozens of parents come to the organization and seek help. He accused the politicians of destroying the health system and of campaigning for PR only.
According to vertebrology expert Serghei Babii, 22% of the children in Moldova suffer from scoliosis and the number of those affected by this disease continues to rise. There are no skilled specialists and advanced technology in this area. Therefore, a part of these children become invalids.