More Moldovans migrate to Quebec

The number of Moldovans seeking to immigrate to the Quebec province of Canada rose by 20 % last year, Info-Prim Neo quotes the communication official of Vienna-based Immigration Office of Quebec, Christina Mirtcheva, who held a news conference on April 8 in Chisinau. She explains the Moldovans’ massive interest for Quebec grew in 2006, when as many as 500 people were accepted as immigrants, while in 2007 their number increased by 20 per cent. The number of Moldovan immigrants to the Canadian province is expected to go beyond 900 people this year. Christina Mirtcheva says, after Romania and Bulgaria joined the European Union, the number of applications lodged by citizens from those countries seeking to immigrate to Quebec is permanently dropping. The Canadian official says the aspirants shall respect certain basic requirements in order to be selected, as the people with higher education and work experience of 4 years, aged between 20 and 35 have most of the chances. The candidates should speak French and English additionally, and should be familiar with Quebec’s socio-political issues. Although also bachelors submit immigration applications, the families with children are mostly favored, because of the concerns of demographic growth. In the opinion of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the people seeking to live in Quebec shall pass through many stages to get the permit of permanent residence, as the data may be found at The persons having obtained residence permits enjoy all the rights, except for voting. In three years they get the possibility to apply for Canadian citizenship, as the double citizenship is also allowed. After settling in Quebec, the immigrants can work on the basis of their higher education diplomas, except for healthcare, architecture and construction engineering, on condition their diplomas are recognized by the Immigration and Cultural Unity Ministry. Specialists with diplomas in medicine, architecture and engineering will have to pass additional exams.

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