More houses for flood victims will be ready in March
Another 61 houses for flood victims that are now 95% ready will be put in commission in March., Deputy Minister for Regional Development and Construction Anatolie Zolotcov said in the February 7 meeting of the national commission for flood cleanup, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to the deputy minister, 241 houses of the 706 that are to be built by different investors have been finished. Sixty-three of the homes are inhabited. Another 365 houses will be ready by April.
About 20 kilometers of fence will be fixed between the yards, including gates made from wood. In Cotul Morii, there will be erected a cultural home, a medical unit, the building of the mayor's office and the post office, a school for 400 students and a kindergarten for 120 children. The works on the preschool institution are to be completed by this yearend.
There will be also built a shopping center in Cotul Morii and by a water treatment station in Nemteni, Cotul Morii, and Obileni.
This week, the Association “Concordia” will start to build 39 houses on the construction site in Nemteni. The works will be finished with the money provided by Greece (€60,000), and Qatar (US$100,000).