Energocom signed new bilateral contracts, thus increasing the amount of electricity to be purchased, IPN reports.
From the Cernavoda nuclear power plant, 110 MW are to be purchased, by 10 MW more than in January. A contract was also signed with the Romanian company Hidroelectrica, for a quantity of 20 MW. Both contracts involve a price capped by an emergency ordinance at 400 Romanian lei, the equivalent of about €80 MWh.
The share of electricity purchased from Nuclearelectrica will constitute 18% of the total consumption in February, while the quantity delivered by Hidroelectrica is estimated at 3.3% of the necessary volume.
Another contract was signed with the company D. Trading, whose schedule includes the supply of electricity mostly during the day, when consumption is high, and smaller quantities at night, when there is no demand. In total, about 70,000 MWh will be purchased from D. Trading, which is 17% of the needs. The price for this contract is lower than the ceiling purchase price included in the current tariff, namely €145 per MWh.
In February, the share of energy purchased on the commodities exchange is expected to decrease to about 25%, compared to 39% in January. It is during peak hours that prices are the highest and most volatile, Energocom noted in a press release.
At the same time, the district heating plants in Chisinau and Balti are expected to generate 120,000 MWh next month, which is around 30% of the consumption. Another over 30,000 MWh will constitute renewable energy.