Education specialists warn that the number of attempted suicides and suicides among children of school age has increased. Seven minors have committed suicide this year in the municipality of Chisinau alone.
In order to prevent cases of suicide, the Diagnoses and Rehabilitation Center “Armonie” Tuesday held a training seminar for managers and teaching staff working in pre-university education institutions titled “Prevention of Suicides among Minors”, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to Lucia Savca, the head of “Armonie” Center of the General Division of Education, Youth and Sport, most of the suicides are older than 14. “The girls strangle themselves and take pills, while the boys jump from height,” Lucia Savca said. “We often ask the Ministry of the Interior not to provide images with many details about suicides to the press because the easily influenced persons could repeat what they hear or see,” the head of “Armonie” Center said.
According to specialists, by such behavior the children take revenge or want to prove something to the members of the family or other persons for the frustrations and imposed restrictions. “This is the third seminar for class teachers held in March. We teach them to promptly react to the emotional state of the child. The class teachers must also hold meetings with the parents and warn them to be more cautious when talking to their children and be more interested in their activities,” Lucia Savca said. According to her, the teachers often do not know cases of attempted suicide because they happen in the family and the parents try not to spread the information.
Ludmila Navrotchi, class teacher of the ninth grade at Vasile Vasilache High School in Chisinau, said that not only the children that do not have parents or are from socially-vulnerable, but also those from wealthy families can have a dangerous behavior.
Alexandra Madan, class teacher of the sixth grade at School No. 98 in Truseni village, considers that not only the family and the school should bear responsibility for suicide cases, but also the whole society. “The school, family and the society should go into partnership in order to prevent such cases. The role of the class master is to notice the frustrated child and lend him a hand during a private discussion,” Alexandra Madan said. Speaking about the suicide committed in Truseni late in January, the teacher said that the seven-grade boy that hanged himself was a silent child, but his parents did not pay him the attention he needed.
According to the Chisinau Preventive Medicine Center, over 75% of the children are born with organic injuries of the central nervous system. But the parents do not want to understand that the children need psychotherapeutic treatment, besides drug treatment.
Seven cases of suicide among children have been recorded in the municipality of Chisinau this year, as against 7-8 cases during the previous years.