The more active representation of women in politics will bring more benefits. The bill initiated by the Democratic Party to extend in the related legislation the mechanism for promoting women in politics, which is defined in the electoral legislation, would promote and encourage females a lot. The issue was developed in the talk show “Reply” on Prime TV channel, IPN reports.
Democratic MP Valentina Stratan said this bill amends the Law on Political Parties. It will stimulate parties whose electoral lists will 40% consist of women. “The parties benefit from financial support from the state budget when they promote this quota of 40%,” stated the MP.
According to Valentina Stratan, the parties that will ensure a female representation quota of 40% in single-member constituencies will get additional support of at least 10%. For each woman who will win the elections, the parties will benefit from a coefficient for multiplying the sum. “That’s why it is a method of stimulating and of highlighting the necessity of properly representing women,” stated Valentina Stratan.
The head of Rezina district Eleonora Graur said the bill motivates women to enter politics and brings more benefits. “The women would like to be appreciated, supported and to be offered the possibility of putting their abilities to good use,” she stated.
Director of Intellect Group Ian Lisnevschi said that when the Government and Parliament include more women, there will evidently be more pluses. The views of women when dealing with such problems as healthcare and education are much more delicate and balanced than those of men.
Erica Zucec, manager of the Women’s Democracy Network, said that even if the law stipulates a female representation quota of 40%, this does not specify their position. Thus, the parties can write 60 men on the list and then 40 women. “The correct placing is not specified and there will always be reasons for not obeying this law,” stated Erica Zucec. According to her, the legislation should be amended once again so as to add the candidate parity position for each ten positions on the electoral list.