Moody's includes Moldova in category of states with speculative investment grade

The credit rating agency Moody's changed the outlook for Moldova from B3 negative to B3 stable, which includes Moldova in the category of states with high credit risk and speculative investment grade, IPN reports.

The decision was taken on January 13. On his Facebook webpage, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said on the issue that the economic specialists know how important and how good such a piece of news for Moldova is. “It is the direct result of the efforts that we, the Government, and our colleagues from Parliament, and all the citizens of Moldova made to overcome a difficult economic crises and a difficult political crisis. This is the result of the fulfillment, in 2016, of a roadmap agreed with the EU, of the initiation of important reforms and of the signing of agreements with the IMF and the World Bank,” wrote the Premier. In the same connection, he said he wants Moldova in the future to get a positive rating from each citizen who will feel that they live better in this country year after year.

Moody's ratings for states and companies tells investors how safe or risky investing in the given areas or jurisdictions is. The company ranks the creditworthiness of borrowers using a standardized ratings scale which measures expected investor loss in the event of default. In the ratings system of Moody's, securities are assigned a rating from Aaa to C, with Aaa being the highest quality and C the lowest quality. Romania has the country rating of Baa3 positive, while Ukraine Caa3 stable.

According to, Moldova had the best position on the rating scale of Moody's in February 2009 - B1 negative.

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