Moldsilva to offer over 50,000 Christmas trees for sale

The national forestry agency Moldsilva will offer for sale over 50,000 Christmas trees this season, at an average rate of 72 lei per meter, or less if the trees are smaller.

Of the total, 45,100 are European spruce and the remainder are pines. Additionally, about 6,000 branches will be marketed.

Retailers may pick up the trees directly from the agency’s nurseries. Also, Moldsilva will itself act as a retailer, offering trees to individual customers out of its deposits.

Moldsilva recalls that during the holiday season surveillance of forested areas and parks is intensified to prevent illegal tree cutting, which carries fines ranging from 50 to 100 conventional units for individuals, and from 300 to 500 units for entities, or unpaid community service.

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