Moldova’s representative at Eurovision presents video of “Falling Stars”

The representative of Moldova at Eurovision Song Contest Lidia Isac presented the video of her song “Falling Stars” that will be sung in Stockholm. The young singer will compete third in the first semifinal on May 10. Her producer Sergey Orlov said the show on the Swedish stage will be minimalist because the budget is small. Both the singer and her producer consider it will be very hard this year to reach the final, IPN reports.

Lidia Isac told a news conference that it will be much more difficult for Moldova to reach the final this year owing to the large number of contenders and to the fact that Romania will not take part in Eurovision 2016 and will be thus unable to support Moldova. However, she is ready to perform on the stage in Stockholm.

Speaking about the video, its producer Corina Caireac said this was made in only ten days. By this video, they wanted to remind the expats and to explain to the people from other countries that Moldova has been part of the cosmonautic industry since the Soviet times and until recently as it produced food for astronauts. The idea of the music video has a direct connection with the song “Falling Stars”.

Sergey Orlov also thinks that the road to the final will be hard this year, regardless of the song that will be sung. Lidia Isac will perform third out of 18 contenders, but they will make effort to bring interesting elements on the stage so as to make Moldova’s performance memorable.

On the stage, Lidia Isac will be accompanied by a dancer. The singer will wear stylish apparels matching her song. In the first semifinal, Moldova will compete alongside 17 states, including Sweden, Greece, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary. The second semifinal will take place on May 12, while the final on May 14.

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