Moldovans will be able to complete census questionnaires not only at home

When the population and dwelling census will be taken, stations will be opened in all the settlements, where the people will be able to fill out the census questionnaires. The addresses will coincide with those of the polling places set up in elections.

Natalia Rotari, head of the Information and Communication Section of the National Bureau of Statistics, has told IPN that these stations will be opened for persons who do not want to receive the census takers at home for personal reasons or on distrust grounds.

An information campaign of two-three weeks will be carried out before the census. Videos with information about the census and its goal will be broadcast on radio and TV stations in the period.

Natalia Rotari also said that no person refused to answer the questions or to open the door during the trial census taken last year. The people have the right to refuse to answer the questions that they will consider embarrassing, but the census takers will make everything possible for the number of unanswered questions to be low.

The census is expected to be taken on May 12-25. Parliament is to adopt a relevant bill in the second reading.

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