Moldovans are optimists even in financial crisis: poll

The Moldovans are optimists even in the world financial crisis, shows a poll presented this week by the Center of Sociological Investigations Marketing CBS AXA. The Moldovans are rather optimistic (33.3%), that pessimistic (21.9%). This in the conditions where the global level of optimism in 2008 is the lowest in the last five years, and in the conditions of the world crisis the population is rather pessimistic (35%), The show shows that, in the ranking of the most optimistic peoples, Moldova is ranked the fourth in Eastern Europe, after Kosovo (Serbia), Russia and Macedonia. At the same time, the Moldovans believe that in 2009 they should rather expect economic hardships (25.4%), than prosperity (23.1%). The Moldovans are optimistic in terms of unemployment – only 38.8% of respondents believe the number of the unemployed will grow, compared to 66% who believe it won’t. Globally the year 2009 is expected to be less peaceful than 2008, as 36% of the people in the world expect the international tensions to grow, and only 11% expect a peaceful year. The Moldovans, despite their general optimism, rather expect the international atmosphere to worsen (25%) than to be peaceful (17%). The poll is part of a project called Voice of the People of Gallup International, carried out in over 55 countries, on over 58.600 people, representing over 1.5 billion of the Earth. The research is dedicated to present problems the humankind copes with and is financed by a row of international organizations. The error margin is ±3%.

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