The public authorities from Moldova show less and less interest for the interests of the ordinary citizen, say experts of a monitoring team who compiled a second report called “The Right to Information: on Paper and in Reality”, presented on Friday at a news conference. The study demonstrates that, unlike 2006, in 2007-2008, the ratio of responses received from public entities is dropping on, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to the report, out of 4,839 requests for information addressed to public authorities and institutions from Moldova, the applicants have received answers from only 19.3% from them. Out of 934 responses got, only 78.1% contain full answers, 8.1% entities responded but formally.
“I was shocked to learn that only 19% of the requested entities offered answers to our applications, this year,” says Vasile Spinei, the president of the “Acces Info” Center. Although the public entities have undertaken measures to improve their relationships with the media lately, as well as the access to information, one cannot talk about the existence of a functional system and mechanism of systematically informing which may be used by the respective entities, Vasile Spinei finds. According to him, Moldova goes on feigning the free access to information. “In fact, the authorities but talk, while the facts tell of vice versa. The distance between facts and acts is huge,” Vasile Spinei says.
The specialists say that very many responses offered by the authorities speak of ignoring the legislation and of a gross ignorance of the law on the access to information. An additional motive allowing the public servants to shirk from or even to refuse cooperating with citizens is the lack of control on behalf of the executive and legislative powers. However, neither the citizens know the legislation, what allows functionaries to profit from, in most of the cases. Although there are now over 300 litigations related to the access to information, most in the favor of applicants, the public entities do not honor their obligations in this respect, Vasile Spinei underlines.
“The authorities say trifles in an official way,” said Tudor Iascenco, a journalist with the newspaper “Cuvantul” from Rezina. Ion Oborceanu, a member with an NGO, dealing with legal issues, from Causeni says the situation of the access to information in Moldova is worsening. He says the authorities but feign cooperating with the press, the civil society and the interested citizens.
On the other hand, Vitalie Condratchi, a representative of the Government's press service, says immediately after the first report on the access to information, the Government set up a committee which studied the results of the research and put up more proposals to overcome the situation. They want to separate the petitions from the information requests. The Government has set up a Council to communicate with the Government from employees of the press units of ministries which will get training to better the communication within the public entities.
“The public institutions should realize the functionaries should be willing with the citizens, they need the citizens, and not the other way around. We need to have active informing,” Vasile Spinei said.