Moldovan Patriots formally cancel Sunday counter-demonstration
The Moldovan Patriots Party has formally canceled its demonstration scheduled for this Sunday after they were offered a different location for the rally, the Union Palace instead of the Great National Assembly Square.
The action was planned as a counter-demonstration to a march calling for unification with Romania scheduled for the same day. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the party's leader Mihail Garbuz stated that he is preparing a speech to explain the decision. “I will come out by myself in the Great National Assembly Square, as an individual. I have this constitutional right and if other members of the party would want to come as individuals, uncoordinated by the party, then they have this right as well. I am not calling my supporters to join with me. I have ordered my party to cease all the efforts to rally our people in Chisinau”, stated Garbuz.
Concerning the Court of Appeals’ decision to reject the Socialists’ request to ban the unification march on Sunday, Mihai Garbuz said he doesn’t see the point in further appealing the decision. “I love my country and I obey the law”, said Garbuz..
Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the Socialist Party's PR service said the party hasn’t planned any public actions for September 16.