Moldovan MPs travel to Paris to discuss social protection and health

A delegation of the Moldovan Parliament paid a fact-finding visit to Paris this week with the aim of exchanging experience in the field of social and health policies and of familiarizing themselves with the French legislative system, IPN reports.

During meetings with representatives of the National Assembly, the Senate and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, the Moldovan officials discussed good practices in social protection, health, solidarity and vocational training.

Among the topics discussed was the process of ratifying two essential agreements for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in France – the one on the recognition of driving licenses and the agreement on social protection.

The Moldovan delegation was made up of Adrian Belyi, chairman of the Commission for Social Protection, Health and Family, Marina Morozova, vice-chair of the same commission, and Marcela Adam, secretary of the Commission for Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and Media, who is also the head of the Friendship Group with France.

According to the authorities, the visit reaffirmed the Republic of Moldova’s commitment to strengthen the partnership with France in order to improve the living conditions of Moldovan citizens, both in the country and outside it.

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