Moldovan media centers on swiftness and forgets about quality, studies

The media in the Republic of Moldova is mainly centered on swiftness and forgets about the quality of information, said the authors of the study “Severe drought that affected Moldova’s agriculture” and “German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Moldova”. According to them, the journalists show lack of professionalism when they broadcast materials with one source only, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Independent Journalism Center made public the results of two studies that analyzed the coverage of an important event and phenomenon for Moldova this year. Valentina Basiul, author of the study “Severe drought that affected Moldova’s agriculture”, said that 12 media outlets were analyzed over June-August. According to her, most of them treated this year’s drought as a secondary issue. The journalists often presented only one source and did not give the right to reply to the person or the institution concerned, especially in the conflict materials. The authors of the second study analyzed 20 media organizations during August 15-28. Crisitna Bobarca, project coordinator within the Independent Journalism Center, said that both the national and international media outlets focused on the stolen lawn and the cat that crossed the way of the column of the German Chancellor. The German press even ridiculized the German official’s visit, giving such a title as “Angela Merkel is visiting the invisible area of Europe” or saying that the Moldovans were involved in a cleanup that was the first of such a scale after the rule of Leonid Brejnev. The authors consider that by such information Moldova’s and Moldovans’ dignity was harmed. At the same time, when informing about the stolen lawn the journalists forgot to tell about the real significance of the German Chancellor’s visit to Chisinau. The Independent Journalism Center pointed to the media organizations’ tendency to copy materials without verifying their accuracy. It also said that the journalists produce few analytical materials and interviews and write mainly news stories.
  • valentina basiul despre neprofesionalismul jurnalistilor si cristina bobarca despre ce nu s-a scris din vizita lui angela merkel la chisinau.mp3
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