Moldovan Government to present gender equality report in New York
The Government of Moldova on Wednesday, June 30, will present a report on gender equality and the state of women at the High-level Segment of the UN's Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC) in New York, Info-Prim Neo learned from a press release issued by the National Council for Participation.
This year, on the recommendation of ECOSOC, the national voluntary reports presented by 13 countries as part of the High-level Segment (June 28 – July 2) address internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to gender equality and empowerment of women.
Moldova is represented by a mixed delegation of UN, Government and Civil
Society representatives and will present country experiences in implementing
national development strategies to achieve the internationally agreed goals. Work on the National Voluntary Report started on the initiative of the Government in November 2009, with support from the UN Agencies in Moldova.
More than 700 participants representing governments, multilateral organizations, aid agencies, civil society, private sector and academia will discuss long-term commitments to improve and bring visibility to gender equality and the empowerment of women. They will promote international development cooperation and its coherence, accountability and effectiveness in support of the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).