The “Green Alliance” Ecologist Party has become a full member of the European Green Party. The announcement was made Monday by the leadership of the Ecologist Party at a news conference in Chisinau, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Vladimir Braga, the president of the Green Alliance, has said his party has got the right to vote in the Managing Board of the European Greens. The resolutions thus adopted become compulsory for the Green MPs in the European Parliament, whose factions has 42 deputies from 13 EU countries and is ranked the fifth in the Europarliament.
“So, some problems existing in the Moldovan society will be able to be promoted in the European Parliament, through the European Greens. It also means Moldova will be able to get funds,” Vladimir Braga stated. According to him, the first issue to be tackled by the Ecologist Party will be the recent raise of the electoral threshold to 6% and the interdiction to form electoral blocs, considered by the party as non-democratic.
On October 29-31, the representatives of the Green Alliance will attend the Black Sea Days traditionally organized in Istanbul within the East-West Dialog of the European Greens.
The Green Alliance had an observer status in the European Greens since 2000. After receiving the Greens from Moldova and Albania this October, the managing Board of the European Greens joins 37 parties from 33 countries, including from Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.
The Ecologist Party is preparing for the 2009 parliamentary elections and thinks it has good chances to enter the Parliament, but it still decides whether to run alone or to join some other party.
In the 2007 local elections, the Ecologist Party collected 7,600 ballots what entitled it to have 22 local councilors.