The history and characteristics of 28 boyar parks founded in the second half of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century were described by professor Petru Tarhon in the monograph “Landowners’ parks of the Republic of Moldova”, which was launched in Chisinau.
Petru Tarhon has told IPN that the monograph describes how the parks were founded, their state and compositional structure, biodiversity and ecological particularities of plants and the state of the mansions that still exist on the territory of these parks.
In the process of studying the lordly parks, the author discovered unique species of trees that are on the verge of extinction. There are three Greek firs in the park in Branzeni village of Edinet district, which was founded by philanthropist Vasile Stroiescu. There are also unique trees in the park in Miciurin, Drochia, and in that in Pavlovca, Briceni.
The book “Landowners’ parks of the Republic of Moldova” contains also pictures of the boyar parks. It was printed with the financial support of the Ministry of the Environment, which allocated 93,500 lei from the National Ecological Fund.