Moldovan authorities condemn Russian rocket attack on civilians in Sergeevka

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova condemns the Russian missile strike on the Rehabilitation Center for Children in Sergeevka, Odessa region, which belongs to the Moldovan government, on the night of July 1. It considers such actions that claimed the lives of innocent people, including children, are absolutely unjustified, IPN reports.

“We deplore the sad news that an employee of the Rehabilitation Center for Children in Sergeevka, which belongs to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova, was killed, while another five employees were hurt,” noted the Ministry.

Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, said that this is another horrible attack on civilian facilities after that in Kremenchuk.

According to Ukrainian press reports, the center that was intended for the rehabilitation of children from Moldova with serious illnesses was temporarily suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic, but there were staff in the building. Among the hit targets are an apartment building and a health resort. The number of casualties is of at least 17.

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