Moldova will be more prepared to cope with international dangers to public health in four years

Moldova’s capabilities of rapidly and effectively detecting and responding to public health-related emergencies and risks of international importance will be strengthened until 2012. The primary alert and reaction system for preventing and controlling the major dangers to public health caused by biological, chemical and radiological agents, accidents and natural disasters will be modernized during the next two years. According to Info-Prim Neo News Agency, such measures are stipulated in the Plan of Action for Implementing the International Sanitary Regulations (ISR) approved by the Government at its last meeting. This way, Moldova will honor the commitments to prevent the spread of major risks to human health at national and international level and the international importation and exportation of diseases. These risks are listed in the new version of the International Sanitary Regulations. Acknowledging that the infections in the modern world spread rapidly and no country can protect itself alone, 193 member countries of the International Health Organization adopted the International Sanitary Regulations at the 58th World Health Assembly in 2005. Unlike the ISR of 1969, the present list of diseases that pose increased risks to the international public health was extended from three infections (cholera, plague and yellow fever) to all the major dangers to public health, including those caused by biological factors (for example by accidentally releasing very dangerous biological agents from laboratories), chemical and radiological factors as well as environmental The key elements contributing to the efficient implementation of the ISR are the improvement of the national capabilities of supervising, diagnosing and controlling the public risks, the establishment of a global partnership for observing the obligations and set procedures as well as the immediate notification of the specialized international organizations of outbreaks of infections or of other major risks to public health. The Plan of Action for Implementing the ISR envisages the establishment of the National Focal Point for permanent communication with the WHO and the assessment of the capacities for rapidly and effectively detecting and responding to public health-related risks during two years. Border crossing points, including air and maritime, will be set up to develop and maintain the supervisory and response capacities according to the ISR so as the sick travelers are quickly assisted. These points will be provided with individual equipment and prophylactic means for the personnel. The Government decision says that financial resources will be allocated yearly from the state budget for putting into practice the Plan of Action for Implementing the ISR.

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