Moldova, Turkmenistan sign agreement on commercial-economic cooperation

Moldova and Turkmenistan signed an agreement of commercial-economic cooperation in the first meeting of the Moldovan-Turkish intergovernmental commission for commercial-economic cooperation that was held in Ashgabat on April 6-7, IPN reports.

According to a communique of the Ministry of Economy, the sides expressed interest in developing the bilateral cooperation in such areas as transport and construction and agreed to formulate and sign a number of bilateral accords in these fields. The Turkmen side invited the Moldovan side to take part in the international exhibition “Constructions of Turkmenistan – 2015” and in the conference “Development of the construction sector of Turkmenistan” that will take place in Ashgabat on August 27-29.

The meeting of the Moldovan-Turkish intergovernmental commission for commercial-economic cooperation was held within the official visit by Moldova’s President Nicolae Timofti to Turkmenistan and was chaired, on behalf of Moldova, by Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Ion Sula. 

The second meeting of the commission will take place in Chisinau.

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