Moldova to host session of BSEC Parliamentary Assembly

Moldova’s Parliament on June 8-10, 2015 will host the 45th session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (PA BSEC). The subject was discussed in a meeting of Head of Parliament Andrian Candu and BSEC Secretary General Victor Tvircun, IPN reports, quoting the legislature’s press service.

For the first time, Moldova holds the simultaneous presidency of the BSEC and the PA BSEC, in the first half of 2015. It will also chair the Meeting of the BSEC Business Council. In the period, Chisinau will host a series of events designed to contribute to intensifying cooperation between the countries of the Black Sea Region.

Speaker Andrian Candu, who is also the president of the PA BSEC, said that while holding the presidency of the PA BSEC, Moldova will make effort to develop a number of regional projects whose advantages will be felt by the people from the countries of the Black Sea Region. “Moldova will aim to facilitate trade and diversify the common economic activities, to develop the transport infrastructure and strengthen healthcare, to intensify cooperation in culture and tourism,” he stated.

Moldova’s Parliament will hand over the presidency of the countries of the PA BSEC to the Parliament of Romania this June. Founded in June 1993, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization brings together 12 member states, counting Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Serbia, and Ukraine.

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