Moldova will benefit from technical and financial assistance from international organisations to reorient the agricultural system from producing tobacco to other farm products, Deputy Minister of Health Boris Golovin stated Friday as part of the parliamentary debates on ratifying the Framework Convention of the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Tobacco Control.
Golovin said that the ratification of the Convention will not have negative consequences for the economic entities in Moldova. Moreover, the experience of other countries shows that its implementation creates new opportunities for national sustainable development strategies by promoting alternative activities for tobacco production.
According to the official, nearly 5 million of premature deaths attributable to consumption of tobacco products occur annually in the world. At the same time, in Moldova it is attested a large number of smokers among grown-ups, 46% among men and 28% among women. At present, over 2,000 patients suffering from lung cancer are under the supervision of the Oncology Institute. The death rate caused by tobacco-related diseases is 2.2 times higher than in Europe and makes up 864 persons per 100,000.
Equally alarming is the fact that smoking became a habit of children and teenagers who begin to smoke before reaching ten, he added. National studies carried out among pupils aged 13-15 revealed that 24% of boys and 10% of girls are smoking at present and their number is on the increase. Over ¾ of the minor smokers did not have problems when buying cigarettes.
The Convention was ratified by the vote of 72 MPs.
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control opened for signature in Geneva in May 2003 and was signed by Moldova on 29 June 2004.
The NGO Coalition for promoting tobacco control policies has recently staged a protest to raise awareness of the general public and decision makers about the non-observance in Moldova of the provisions of the Tobacco Law and the necessity of ratifying the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control by the Parliament.