Moldova, Romania to cooperate in corruption fighting under new agreement

The cooperation agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Romania on the prevention and fighting of corruption that was signed on December 19, 2018 was approved by the Government and is to be submitted to Parliament for familiarization, IPN reports.

So far, the cooperation in the prevention and fighting of corruption with the Romanian partners was governed by an agreement between the executives of Romania, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine on cooperation in crime fighting that was signed in Kiev on July 6, 1999. This document regulates yet a broader spectrum of cooperation relations and does not fully cover the current needs.

The new agreement was worked out in accordance with the unanimously accepted principles and norms of international law, international obligations of the governments of the two states, their national legislation, the current situation, development tendencies and evolution of corruption as a phenomenon.

Under the document, the Republic of Moldova and Romania will exchange experts in order to undertake the best corruption fighting practices. will step up the exchange of operational data and will raise the number of joint investigation teams.

The agreement enables to increase confidence between the development partners and the capacities to contribute to the management of the problems at the EU’s external border.

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