Moldova ready for football match against Liechtenstein

The national football team of Moldova will close the year with a match against the national team of Liechtenstein. The November 15 match is part of the UEFA Euro 2016, IPN reports.

“I hope we will show a good game. The team is motivated as we achieved a meritorious result in Moscow. The footballers want to beat Liechtenstein,” Moldova coach Alexandru Curteian said in a news conference.

“Liechtenstein is a forceful team, but we are ready for the match. We will fight to win a victory and to make our spectators happy,” said halfback Artur Ionita.

The national team of Liechtenstein has only four professional footballers in its lineup, Sandro Wieser of Aarau being the most famous.

The encounter between Moldova and Liechtenstein will take place at the Zimbru stadium in Chisinau on November 15, starting at 7pm. It will be refereed by Finland’s Mattias Gestranius.


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