For the first time the Republic of Moldova on May 9 celebrated officially Victory Day and Europe Day simultaneously, IPN reports.
Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu told the press that May 9 has two meanings, being the day when the veterans who fought for freedom and independence are commemorated. According to him, 72 years ago the blackest and most tragic page in the history of the 20h century was turned and in five years, in 1950, there was declared Europe Day – a peace project that wouldn’t have existed without Victory Day.
Andrian Candu also said that through the two holidays – Victory Day and Europe Day - May 9 became the day when peace is consolidated in the world.
Prime Minister Pavel Filip rendered homage to those killed in battle and thanked all the living veterans for what they did. “They are those who made peace possible and for this we are profoundly grateful to them. Also today, we mark Europe Day. The main message of this holiday is also of peace, of the wish of the people from all over Europe to form part of a common area, to live together in harmony and agreement,” stated the Premier, adding that there is a dual holiday in Moldova.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Andrei Galbur also disseminated a congratulatory message. “It is a pleasure for me to transmit congratulations to the European Union on the occasion of Europe Day. With the advancement of the European integration process, the significance of the Union founding act becomes more important, while the role of European values and principles is a benchmark of modern democracy. We share today with our European partners, these moments of commemoration of the visionary spirit of the founders of the European Union and equally the attachment to our common values,” reads the message.
The events staged to mark both of the holidays involved tens of thousands of people, some of them being mobilized by political parties and councils of public organizations.
Moldova’s Parliament at the end of April adopted a decision whereby Europe Day was instituted on May 9. The decision does not yet exclude the marking of Victory against Fascism in World War II the same day.